Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede

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Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede

Post by one »

one wrote: 21 May 2023, 12:47 evo nas polako ... /230521023

Post by one » 04 May 2020, 14:25

The Road to Reset: Where We Are, and Where We Are Headed

The post-WWII Bretton Woods economic order is coming to a close. As economic systems have become financialized, capitalism has largely been replaced by cronyism and free markets by ‘too big to fail’ casinos; while the middle-class has increasingly been hollowed by Ponzi-like financial structures designed to funnel wealth to the top 1%. The status quo is unsustainable.
Irrespective of how it may have come about, the COVID pandemic has been the pin that has finally catalyzed the over-inflated credit markets to burst beyond repair — occurring in parallel with the decline of the petrodollar — the collapse of which signals the end of the seventy-five-year macro-debt cycle. This is a paradigm shifting event, such that the socio-economic foundations to drive the next era of human civilization will be decided in the coming months and years.
The following aims to make sense of the current, seemingly chaotic environment, and to provide a concise, to-the-point overview for how a potential socio-economic reset may play out.

A Roadmap ... overnance/ ... 9588262912
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Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede

Post by one »

jedna od firmi sa potencijalom i proizvodom za predstojece dogadjaje

Officials Warn Of Monkeypox Resurgence Ahead Of Summer LGBT Festivals

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a warning that incidents of monkeypox (mpox) infections could rise in the coming months as LGBT festivals attract large crowds.
In its May 17 risk assessment, the CDC warned that there is a “substantial” risk of renewed monkeypox outbreaks across the United States, given the recent uptick in cases in Chicago, which began in mid-April. At present, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) account for the majority of monkeypox cases in the United States.
The agency asked LGBT individuals to get vaccinated in case they are at risk of monkeypox exposure, follow safer sex and social gathering practices, and avoid close, skin-to-skin contact with individuals who have a new or unexplained rash.
However, the vaccine is “not 100 percent effective.” CDC expects cases after vaccination to have “less severe illness” compared to unvaccinated individuals, based on data from the United States.
In the United States, 30,401 monkeypox cases and 42 deaths have been recorded as of May 17. At present, daily infections average in the single digits, a far cry from the peak of July-August last year when there used to be 300 to 400 cases and even more every day. ... -2023.html
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Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede

Post by montypython »

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Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede

Post by brzi »

Arcelor Mittal od 01.06. šalje radnike na čekanje.
Predprosle godine 200 miliona dobiti, prosle 40 miliona,.. za plate izdvajaju oko 40 miliona godisnje i dok je stala prodaja odmah šalji radnike na cekanje. Što ti je kapitalizam...
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Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede

Post by indikator »

brzi wrote: 24 May 2023, 13:48 Arcelor Mittal od 01.06. šalje radnike na čekanje.
Predprosle godine 200 miliona dobiti, prosle 40 miliona,.. za plate izdvajaju oko 40 miliona godisnje i dok je stala prodaja odmah šalji radnike na cekanje. Što ti je kapitalizam...
I prosle godine su to radili, imali su dovoljno robe na stanju a prodaja nije isle.
Posts: 4124
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Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede

Post by montypython »

Posts: 2890
Joined: 31 Jul 2012, 14:34

Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede

Post by brzi »

Fina kamata, 6,1%. :D
Sitna buranija
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Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede

Post by Sitna buranija »

Dogorilo do nokata iliti noktiju...
Posts: 125
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Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede

Post by Key »

Ta kamata od 6,10% je super imajući u vidu kreditni rejting RS-a i Dodikovu politiku. Kamata na obveznice Srbije je 6,2%-6,8%. Crna Gora ima prinos na obveznice po 7,5%. Kamate su skočile. FED im je napravio "rug pull" sa dizanjem kamata.
Posts: 12564
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Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede

Post by panzer » ... i+jagodama
Dojmilo se to kao žal za voćem koje po svemu sudeći gubi bitku sa klimatskim promjenama.
Ja od kako znam za sebe, nije bio kišan maj. A ni ovaj novinar koji ima jedno 70 godina sigurno nije vidio kišan maj. Stvarno nekad čovjek pomisli da im neko plaća da pišu ovakve nebuloze.
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