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Re: Kriptovalute

Post by one »

one wrote: 15 Sep 2022, 17:24
investitor_ba wrote: 15 Sep 2022, 14:41
one wrote: 15 Sep 2022, 10:01 eth je od danas pos i trosi 99 posto manje energije i sto je jos vaznije postaje deflatorni aset. kolicina zlata se stalno povecava iskopavanjem,btc ima fixanu kolicinu coina a eth sad otprilike smanjuje svaku minutu kolicinu za jedan coin.
sad je sve do globalnih kretanja dali idemo sljedeci period u vecu inflaciju ili deflaciju
Kako se ETH smanjuje?

ETH i dalje ima neogranicen supply, nagrade za ex-minere a sadasnje stakere su priblizno iste, tako da tu nema velike razlike.
pogledaj na linku od jutros je manje 160 eth koji su spaljeni

Validators as a whole will earn ~1,690 ETH per day, before fees, on PoS.

Miners as a whole were earning ~13,100 ETH per day, before fees, on PoW.
fee burn makes it deflationary
stakeri imaju 6 do 8 posto kamate tako da im je to sada isplatno drzati tako
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Re: Kriptovalute

Post by investitor_ba »

Ali i dalje imas nagradu koja je veca od tog burna, tako da se ukupna kolicina i dalje povecava.
Posts: 1870
Joined: 03 Jul 2012, 12:30

Re: Kriptovalute

Post by one »

u sljedecih 13 g broj eth se treba smanjiti sa 120 mil na 40 mil .za 6 mjeseci eth ce moci imati 100.000 transakcija u sekundi.ako po transakciji bude naplacivo recimo 5 centi to je po sekundi 5.000 dolara a na godinu... od toga ce se isplacivati kamata koja ce vjerovatno jos rasti a i sve skupa ce uticati na osnovu ovih i jos nekih parametara se moze kalkulisati neka buduca cijena kada network postane potpuno funkcionalan i u masovnoj upotrebi
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Re: Kriptovalute

Post by panzer »

Kakva kamata i šta kaže kalkulacija buduće cijene?
Posts: 1870
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Re: Kriptovalute

Post by one »

panzer wrote: 16 Sep 2022, 11:59 Kakva kamata i šta kaže kalkulacija buduće cijene? ... hereum-2-0

na oroceni eth na godinu dana dobivas 4.60 posto,na dvije godine 9.2 procenata i td.. s tim da ce se vremenom ovi procenti povecavati jer je tek dan od kada je eth presao na pos.
Posts: 1870
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Re: Kriptovalute

Post by one »

sto se tice cijene network je tek zavrsen 50 procenata ima jos nekoliko faza dogradnje za povecavanje sigurnosti i broja i brzine transakcija.sve ce zavisiti od mogoceg postignutog kapaciteta broja transakcija i naravno provizije za te transakcije.odluku o proviziji donose sto bi rekli dionicari glasanjem
kolike su danas bankovne naknade za transakcije,kolike su za karticne transakcije,nema plastike papirologije,salterskih radnika,poslovnih prostora i komunalnih racuna.automata,krediti odobreni ili odbaceni minutu nakon zahtjeva,direktan racun povezan na centralnu banku i naravno potpuna kontrola nad nasim finansijama..nije lijep scenario za zixot buducih generacija ali to je buduci kapitalizam sa minimalnim troskovima .to bi trebalo biti sve poslozeno sa transformacijom ekonomije u nekom roku do kraja ovog desetljeca ako su ovi koji to guraju toliko mocni ....
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Re: Kriptovalute

Post by one »

prije 2 godine kada je postavljen ovaj post nije bilo govora o ratu i blokovskoj podijeli globalnoj

by one » 17 Dec 2020, 12:19


Scenario 1. The rise and fall of a global Central bank digital currency (CBDC). The
scenario is cast in the context of growing geopolitical divisions, which put a premium
on transactions via a neutral currency. A bloc of countries gains advantage by moving
first in developing comprehensive digital platforms, supported by strong governance
and institutions. The continued trend of growing importance of data services provides
an additional comparative advantage to the first-mover countries, which have the technology and infrastructure to offer and export such services. Favorable climate conditions
further provide a more cost-effective environment for the provision of digital services
(for example, sufficiently cold and relatively stable climates for data centers against the
backdrop of accelerating climate change). This bloc of countries issues a CBDC and
invests heavily in data infrastructure and cyber defense, generating a growing supply
of the CBDC-denominated financial instruments. The CBDC—seen as a trustworthy
and credible reserve currency because it provides safety and access and is backed by
high-tech secure platforms with low transaction costs—emerges as a major reserve currency. With central banks around the world holding more of the new CBDC, its share
in global reserves rises well above the levels consistent with the size and fiscal backing of
the economic bloc. Speculations about the extent of overvaluation of the CBDC expose
the system to large capital outflows and an unraveling of the CBDC’s position as a
major currency.

Scenario 2. A world of multiple private digital currencies. This scenario starts off
in a global setting wherein increased anxiety about governments’ capacity to deliver
on their socioeconomic objectives erodes credibility of public institutions, including
fiat currencies. In parallel, big technology companies continue to grow, offering more
services and platform payment instruments. Their efforts to enhance privacy and corporate governance pay off, and people increasingly prefer private payment platforms to
fiat currencies. Over time, as more people use the private payment instruments, these
become digital currencies—full-fledged private currencies that fulfill all the roles of
money. A few large digital currency areas emerge, on the basis of digital interconnectedness. Governments retreat from most of their roles as technology corporations expand
the scope of their services. National central banks lose relevance. AI is used to establish
exchange parities between digital currencies by facilitating price finding. To maintain
credibility of the system, a technology consortium is set up to supervise the digital
networks and provide emergency liquidity financing by pooling digital currencies across
currency areas. Traditional reserve assets thus cease to exist and are replaced by holdings
of private digital currencies.

danas ovaj drugi blok je vec duboko u digitalnom yuanu i sa rusima prave poseban platni sistem a zapad je u zakasnjenju ... framework/ ... mazon-ecb/ ... al-assets/
ali na zapadu je struktura moci slozenija i lobiji vise rade na usvajanju scenaria 2

lobiranje u toku...
We can protect financial privacy and promote individual economic freedom by embracing public blockchains and the stablecoins they support.

Or we can follow China's totalitarian lead by submitting to the panopticon of a CBDC.

Which way, western democracy?

The Administration must embrace the benefits of open, permissionless & private digital assets, rather than place prominence on central bank digital currencies, the benefits of which remain confounding.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2012, 12:30

Re: Kriptovalute

Post by one »

ponuda poslova u ovoj industriji
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Re: Kriptovalute

Post by one »

AKO kongres da zeleno svjetlo za ovako poslozenu industriju ,prvi tradicionalni market koji ce u dobroj mjeri zamjenit je market obveznica,a vremenom i neke druge tradicionalne markete
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