Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede
Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede
Ma dijelom će se vratiti platežna moć . Previše je luksuza u odnosu na život od npr prije 10 ili 15 godina. Svima su veća primanja, veći standard. A druga priča je što se sad neko ne može odreći načina života u ove zadnje 3-4 godine.
Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede
Naime, ovih dana je novo rukovodstvo objavilo koalicijski ugovor koji sadrži čak 177 stranica i nosi naslov "Usudi se više napredovati", a Scholz ga je najavio riječima: "Ovo treba biti jutro za novi početak." Osnovano je i novo veliko ministarstvo za gospodarstvo i klimu. Nova vlast želi useljavanje u Njemačku učiniti jednostavnijim, a olakšat će i dobivanje njemačkog državljanstva. Također, potvrđeno je da raste minimalna plaća. S 9,60 eura ona od 1. siječnja ide na 9,82 eura, a već 1. srpnja iduće godine na 10,45 eura, što je za 85 eurocenti više nego sada. Ako to pretvorimo u 8 sati rada, to je na dnevnicu još 6,8 eura a dugoročni plan Njemačke je dignuti minimalnu satnicu na 12 eura
Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede
To umjetno podizanje plaća bazirano na štapanju eura bez pokrića,
izvjesnim nedostatkom energenata i povećanjem inflacije odvest će
ekonomiju u propast. Svi ozbiljni proizvođači će ili zatvoriti ili izmjestiti
proizvodnju u zemlje s jeftinojom radnom snagom i dovoljnim količinama
resursa i energije. Za pet godina njihov standard će da bude na 20 % današnjeg.
izvjesnim nedostatkom energenata i povećanjem inflacije odvest će
ekonomiju u propast. Svi ozbiljni proizvođači će ili zatvoriti ili izmjestiti
proizvodnju u zemlje s jeftinojom radnom snagom i dovoljnim količinama
resursa i energije. Za pet godina njihov standard će da bude na 20 % današnjeg.
Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede
Američka kompanija Apple je na korak do toga da prva u svijetu dostigne tržišnu vrijednost od 3.000 milijardi, čime bi ovaj tehnološki div postao vrijedniji od njemačkog tržišta kapitala ili cijele britanske privrede.
kolika je vrijednost tehnoloskih kompanija siliciske doline,,dali je to moguce izracunati...
kolika je vrijednost tehnoloskih kompanija siliciske doline,,dali je to moguce izracunati...
Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede
izrezali smo tvornice u staro zeljezo i uvozimo iz eu i turske. u eu sve skuplja zbog energenata i podizanja satnica radnicima ,a turska u jos goroj situaciji.kako ce se to odraziti na cijene i inflaciju ovde kod nas
Lira Craters To New Record Low As Turkish Central Bank Burns Billions In Futile Attempts To Halt Collapse.
Turkish central bank net reserves: minus $50BN
Lira Craters To New Record Low As Turkish Central Bank Burns Billions In Futile Attempts To Halt Collapse.
Turkish central bank net reserves: minus $50BN
Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede
Addressing the inflation crisis,
Harris says the Build Back Better bill pays $12,500 to Americans who buy electric cars, and $4,000 to those who buy used electric cars. “We want more families in America to be able to afford an electric car that is made in America.”
Harris says the Build Back Better bill pays $12,500 to Americans who buy electric cars, and $4,000 to those who buy used electric cars. “We want more families in America to be able to afford an electric car that is made in America.”
Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede
Tue, December 14, 2021, 2:44 PM
WASHINGTON (AP) — Prices at the wholesale level surged by a record 9.6% in November from a year earlier, an indication of on-going inflation pressures
WASHINGTON (AP) — Prices at the wholesale level surged by a record 9.6% in November from a year earlier, an indication of on-going inflation pressures
Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede
The debtceiling will soon rise to $31.4 Trillion, almost $90K per person, or $360K per family of four. How many American families have their share? The debt is unpayable through taxation. Congress lacks the guts for an honest default. The debt will be repudiated by inflation.
Re: Vijesti iz ekonomije/privrede
Kremlin reveals new independent Russian-Chinese financial systems
15 Dec, 2021 11:20 / Updated 6 hours ago
Russia and China will develop shared financial structures to enable them to deepen economic ties in a way that foreign states will be unable to influence, the Kremlin has announced following talks between the countries’ leaders.
The move appears to be a response to a series of warnings that Western nations could push to disconnect Russia from the Brussels-based SWIFT financial system as a form of sanctions.
The payment platform underpins the vast majority of international transactions. During the talks on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping called for increasing the share of national currencies in mutual settlements and expanding cooperation to provide Russian and Chinese investors with access to stock markets, said Yuri Ushakov, Putin’s foreign policy advisor.
Ushakov said “particular attention was paid to the need to intensify efforts to form an independent financial infrastructure to service trade operations between Russia and China.”
“We mean creating an infrastructure that cannot be influenced by third countries,” the Kremlin aide added.
Ahead of the video summit, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov hinted that economic discussions were likely to be on the agenda for the two heads of state.
Both Russia and China are said to be increasingly looking to move away from using the US dollar as the main currency of international trade, instead using their own denominations to underpin the booming volume of Moscow-Beijing trade.
Last week, US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said that the White House, along with a number of Western European nations, was mulling completely isolating Moscow from the global financial system should Russian troops dare to invade Ukraine.
15 Dec, 2021 11:20 / Updated 6 hours ago
Russia and China will develop shared financial structures to enable them to deepen economic ties in a way that foreign states will be unable to influence, the Kremlin has announced following talks between the countries’ leaders.
The move appears to be a response to a series of warnings that Western nations could push to disconnect Russia from the Brussels-based SWIFT financial system as a form of sanctions.
The payment platform underpins the vast majority of international transactions. During the talks on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping called for increasing the share of national currencies in mutual settlements and expanding cooperation to provide Russian and Chinese investors with access to stock markets, said Yuri Ushakov, Putin’s foreign policy advisor.
Ushakov said “particular attention was paid to the need to intensify efforts to form an independent financial infrastructure to service trade operations between Russia and China.”
“We mean creating an infrastructure that cannot be influenced by third countries,” the Kremlin aide added.
Ahead of the video summit, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov hinted that economic discussions were likely to be on the agenda for the two heads of state.
Both Russia and China are said to be increasingly looking to move away from using the US dollar as the main currency of international trade, instead using their own denominations to underpin the booming volume of Moscow-Beijing trade.
Last week, US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said that the White House, along with a number of Western European nations, was mulling completely isolating Moscow from the global financial system should Russian troops dare to invade Ukraine.