Tvornica Cementa Kakanj

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Re: Tvornica Cementa Kakanj

Post by investitor_ba »

Ma kako sad 1-2% povrat na ulozeno da je dobar?
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Re: Tvornica Cementa Kakanj

Post by Investitor »

Pa proguglaj strane berze i pogledaj kakvi se prometi ostvaruju na firmama koje su u poređenju sa cementarom smeće (imaju povrat od 1-2%), a kod nas niko neće ni povrat od 8-9%. Želim da kažem da se Cementara nalazi u nekoj zapadnoj državi, sa ovim parametrima bi vrijedila 100KM.
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Re: Tvornica Cementa Kakanj

Post by one »

jedna rijec, dekarbonizacija, isto kao za jpesr u sljedecem periodu..
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Re: Tvornica Cementa Kakanj

Post by panzer »

A kakav uticaj ima na Cementaru Kakanj. Negativni normalno. Kako cementara može smanjiti?
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Re: Tvornica Cementa Kakanj

Post by one »

Best ways to cut carbon emissions from the cement industry explored
by Caroline Brogan, Imperial College London

Credit: Imperial College London
A new Imperial report identifies alternative materials and carbon capture technologies as critical in decarbonising the cement industry.

Around 3.5 billion tons of Ordinary Portland Cement, a critical building material worldwide, are produced annually—but every ton emits up to 622 kg of carbon dioxide (CO2) The cement industry contributes seven percent of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions, with the amount of CO2 released depending on differences in the materials used in production, the types of cement kiln used, and the fuels being burned.

In a new paper, researchers at Imperial College London have considered the potentially most effective ways to decarbonise the industry. They say that, with interventions, emissions could range from 80 percent to minus 50 percent of current emissions where CO2 is actively removed from the atmosphere.

This could be done using a combination of carbon capture and storage (CCS) and fuel and intermediate product substitutes. However, they say the most sensible solution might be to combine burning municipal solid waste with CCS, which could slash emissions to minus 20 percent of their current level.

Lead author Professor Paul Fennell, of Imperial's Department of Chemical Engineering, said: "CO2 is a key greenhouse gas driving climate change, and it's released by several aspects of cement production. Process- and fuel-related emissions both account for a significant proportion of cement's total emissions—so both process modification and energy efficiency are important for carbon reduction. By identifying these sources and suggesting workable interventions, we hope to help decarbonise the cement industry."

The report, published in Joule, gives an overview of the main decarbonisation options and their interplay in terms of direct emissions from the cement production process. Identified are three key interventions with the most potential impact.
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Re: Tvornica Cementa Kakanj

Post by panzer »


Ma nisam mislio na ovo.

I dalje mislim da je sve ovo pretjerivanje dokle god građanstvo sprži preko miliona tona uglja za jednu zimsku sezonu a niko se na to ne češe.

Sad ovdje neko računa CO2 prilikom najobičnijeg istovara repromaterijala. Ako ćemo tako gledati onda odosmo predaleko.

A zagrijavanje je priča za sebe. Tu je cementara ipak radila na smanjenju emisija. Privatna je firma i već slijede EU standarde.
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Re: Tvornica Cementa Kakanj

Post by brzi »

Igra sa CO2 je igra bez granica, ako bi se išlo doslijedno za svaki proizvod, proizvodnju kg sira 8,5 kg CO2 ili kg mesa 13,5 kg CO2.
Sto je 15 puta više nego kod cementa.
Da ne spominjemo metan koji proizvode krave.
Dakle ako se sve bude mjerilo i porez naplaćivao.. Naravno da bi porez bio ugrađen u nove cijene.
Pa će siromašni biti još siromašniji a bogati još bogatiji.
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Re: Tvornica Cementa Kakanj

Post by one »

to se desi kad perspektivnu mladost koja treba da stvara nove tehnologije otjeras iz vec poznatih razloga.ako pogledas neke drzave koje su prije 10 g bile nerazvijene i nepoznate danas su odskocile jer su bas suprotno radile
Posts: 20
Joined: 12 Mar 2010, 09:28

Re: Tvornica Cementa Kakanj

Post by kraba »

Ima li kakvih info sa skupštine?
Posts: 20
Joined: 24 Feb 2021, 10:56

Re: Tvornica Cementa Kakanj

Post by koma »

kraba wrote: 26 May 2021, 13:43 Ima li kakvih info sa skupštine?
Sutra je skupstina
Saziva se Skupština društva “Tvornica cementa Kakanj” d.d. Kakanj za 27.05.2021 godine , sa početkom u 10:30 sati
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