Ne vjerujem da ce se npr.indijom ili bregzitom upravljat s tog mjesta,isto kao sto ne vjerujem da su najbogatiji ljudii na forbesovoj listi.prije ce biti da ljudi koji kontrolisu stotine triliona ,centralne banke ,federalne reserve I korporacijei nisu izvorni jevreji,prije bi mogli biti tkz hazari.kada se pogleda istorija njihovih progona mozda se moze vidjeti I buduci put te osvete.
Sistem u kojem mi zivimo I kojim oni upravljaju je neka vrsta algoritamskog programa kreiranih velikih dogadjaja. Sve pociva na odnosu papirnih finansiskih instrumenata,energenata I preciznih metala.
Konkretno kada dolar dodje u odnos kao sto je sada sa zlatom posljedica je neki moguci sukob.otvorena mogucnost za takvo nesto sada postoji u americi zbog duga ili u evropi zbog migracija usljed moguce ekonomske krize.kao posljedica toga bi slijedio skok cijene nafte sto politicki sto profitabilno da bi na kraju potrosna roba u tom lancu tj mi ljudi bili primorani na prelazak na nove vrste energenata I onda dovodi do snaznog novog razvoja ekonomije koja ce jednog dana opet postat balon I tako se taj algoritam ovog sistema stalno krece I dogadjaji se moraju unaprijed projektovat da bi to funkcionisalo.i sam bitcoin je moguce kreiran za ovake uslove prebacivanja velikih transfera na brz nacin
4. industrijska revolucija
Re: 4. industrijska revolucija
zanimljivo da s sada jednostavnom tehnologijom iz obicnog ugljena mogu praviti nano grafitne ploce sto je jedan od materijala buducnosti a rudnika uglja na sve strane
As the use of coal for energy declines, converting it into the highly valuable nano-graphite could provide a new lease of life to many coal providers. Nano-graphite is a high-demand material used as a lubricant in items ranging from lithium-ion batteries to fire extinguishers.
As the use of coal for energy declines, converting it into the highly valuable nano-graphite could provide a new lease of life to many coal providers. Nano-graphite is a high-demand material used as a lubricant in items ranging from lithium-ion batteries to fire extinguishers.
Re: 4. industrijska revolucija
Automation will Restructure Entire Workforces
The workforce is automating faster than expected, displacing 85 million jobs in the next 5 years. Companies’ adoption of technology will transform tasks, jobs, and skills by 2025. Data from the Forum’s Future of Jobs Survey shows that companies expect to restructure their workforce in response to new technologies, in particular:
transforming the composition of their value chain (55%)
introducing further automation and reducing the current workforce (43%)
expanding their workforce as a result of deeper technological integration (34%)
expanding their use of contractors for task-specialized work (41%)
The Jobs Report estimates that by 2025, 85 million jobs may be displaced by a shift in the division of labor between humans and machines, while 97 million new roles may emerge that are more adapted to the new division of labor between humans, machines, and algorithms. Elon Musk and Tesla have created a machine manufacturing revolution, foreshadowing the cleantech workplace of tomorrow. Manufacturers across the globe and their workers will soon see such machine manufacturing as the norm.
The workforce is automating faster than expected, displacing 85 million jobs in the next 5 years. Companies’ adoption of technology will transform tasks, jobs, and skills by 2025. Data from the Forum’s Future of Jobs Survey shows that companies expect to restructure their workforce in response to new technologies, in particular:
transforming the composition of their value chain (55%)
introducing further automation and reducing the current workforce (43%)
expanding their workforce as a result of deeper technological integration (34%)
expanding their use of contractors for task-specialized work (41%)
The Jobs Report estimates that by 2025, 85 million jobs may be displaced by a shift in the division of labor between humans and machines, while 97 million new roles may emerge that are more adapted to the new division of labor between humans, machines, and algorithms. Elon Musk and Tesla have created a machine manufacturing revolution, foreshadowing the cleantech workplace of tomorrow. Manufacturers across the globe and their workers will soon see such machine manufacturing as the norm.
Re: 4. industrijska revolucija
evo tko su trenutno klijenti na globalnom ethereum networku
sta su defi protokoli koji funkcionisu na eth networku ... in-crypto/
sta su defi protokoli koji funkcionisu na eth networku ... in-crypto/
Re: 4. industrijska revolucija
ZURICH, Jan 12 (Reuters) - UBS will begin charging clients with cash balances above 250,000 Swiss francs ($280,646.61) a 0.75% interest rate fee from July, Switzerland’s biggest bank said in an internal memo on Tuesday.
“It’s becoming increasingly clear that we’ll have to contend with negative interest rates for years to come. That’s why we decided to lower the threshold for deposit fees,” Swiss banking head Axel Lehmann told employees in the memo.
“It’s becoming increasingly clear that we’ll have to contend with negative interest rates for years to come. That’s why we decided to lower the threshold for deposit fees,” Swiss banking head Axel Lehmann told employees in the memo.
Re: 4. industrijska revolucija
iduce sedmice svjetski lideri ce u davosu raspravljati o temama koje su ovde vec spomenute
1. Designing cohesive, sustainable, resilient economic systems (25 January)
2. Driving responsible industry transformation and growth (26 January)
3. Enhancing stewardship of the global commons (27 January)
4. Harnessing the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (28 January)
5. Advancing global and regional cooperation (29 January)
The Davos Agenda will also see the launch of several new Forum initiatives: to accelerate the race to net-zero emissions, champion new standards for social justice and to close the digital divide.
1. Designing cohesive, sustainable, resilient economic systems (25 January)
2. Driving responsible industry transformation and growth (26 January)
3. Enhancing stewardship of the global commons (27 January)
4. Harnessing the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (28 January)
5. Advancing global and regional cooperation (29 January)
The Davos Agenda will also see the launch of several new Forum initiatives: to accelerate the race to net-zero emissions, champion new standards for social justice and to close the digital divide.
Re: 4. industrijska revolucija
Amerika ce u sljedece 2 godine printati 8,7 triliona dolara za pomoc od pandemije.kad se pogleda chart emisije dolara u zadnjim godinama on izgleda kao lansirna raketa.zbog toga svijet prelazi na digitalne valute jer je nemoguce to fizicki podnijeti.ali sa digitalizacijom valuta njihova vijednost ostaje I dalje upitna.zato pored zlata I bitcoina imamo I stablekoine koji ce odrazavati razliku u vrijednosti tih valuta.sve ove mjenjacnice se uvode u finansiske sisteme sirom svijeta.i tu imamo nesto zanimljivo.ako se vratimo u proslost vidjet cemo da je prvi covjek I osnivac dinastije rotschild upravo prve pare zaradivo na taj nacin,prodavajuci koine I mjenjajuci tadasnje valute. Je li ovo puka slucajnost,iskreno nemam pojma.
Ako ovoj dinastiji dodamo dinastiju poput rockfeler i winsdor ,dobit cemo vrijednost od preko 10 triliona dolara...zanimljivo da su sve tri njemackog porijekla.
John Davison Rockefelle Prema procjeni časopisa Forbes iz 2007. godine ekvivalent njegovoga bogatstva u trenutku smrti, 1937. godine, bio bi 663.4 milijarde dolar
Winsdor je kraljica britanije,komandat vojske I poglavar protestanata.moze se uvijek kladiti sa vatikanskim papom ko ce biti predsjednik amerike, katolik ili protestant. ... nashi-dni/
Ako ovoj dinastiji dodamo dinastiju poput rockfeler i winsdor ,dobit cemo vrijednost od preko 10 triliona dolara...zanimljivo da su sve tri njemackog porijekla.
John Davison Rockefelle Prema procjeni časopisa Forbes iz 2007. godine ekvivalent njegovoga bogatstva u trenutku smrti, 1937. godine, bio bi 663.4 milijarde dolar
Winsdor je kraljica britanije,komandat vojske I poglavar protestanata.moze se uvijek kladiti sa vatikanskim papom ko ce biti predsjednik amerike, katolik ili protestant. ... nashi-dni/