BH Telecom

Sitna buranija
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Re: BH Telecom

Post by Sitna buranija »

Ma ovo su dobro našiljili. U trogodišnjem planu je malo drugačije bilo očekivano za 2018. kao baznu godinu u odnosu na koju se radi trogodišnji plan. Ali nema veze, ako će biti dividenda dobra. Inače, mislim da je u pitanju bruto dobit...
Last edited by Sitna buranija on 12 Apr 2019, 21:38, edited 1 time in total.
Sitna buranija
Posts: 2479
Joined: 12 May 2016, 10:51

Re: BH Telecom

Post by Sitna buranija »

brzi wrote: Nikad cijene nisu izražene sa PDV-om tako da u ovih 17,55 nije uključen PDV, a sve i da jeste i kao što rekoh, nazovem inostranstvo to sad plaćam extra, kad surfaš iz dosade nije isto da li je internet spor ili brz pa ćeš za 15 minuta skršiti duplo više megabajta,..u paketu ti nudim jabuka i krušaka više nego što možeš pojesti a naplaćujem ti šljive koje ti se također jedu,.. ne sviđa mi se taj sistem.
Vrijeme će pokazati,. evo ja prognoziram rast od 5 do 10%.
Cijene su sa PDV-om. Pozivi u inostranstvo će se uvijek dodatno plaćati. Od brzine surfanja ne zavisi potrošnja (količina), nego ona zavisi isključivo od sadržaja koji surfaš. Što se tiče rasta prihoda, nadam se da ćeš biti u pravu, iako sam lično skeptik po tom pitanju. Bojim se da su ovo preko koljena uradili...
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Re: BH Telecom

Post by montypython »

2017 je neto dobit bila 63,1m (bar tako negdje nađoh) a sad ovaj kaže da je dobit veća 500 hiljada i da je 63,6. To se slaže, jedino da je on pogriješio pa poredi sadašnju bruto sa prošlogodišnjom neto, ali ni to im ne bi bilo prvi put. Nažalost sad moramo nagađati šta je pisac htio reći umjesto da jednostavno objave podatke. E sad pitanje je da li i pod tim neto misle dobit nakon poreza na dobit. Po nekakvom mom iskustvu nikad direktori telecoma ne govore neto dobit nakon poreza, jednostavno im veća cifra bolje zvuči.
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Re: BH Telecom

Post by one »

The increasing integration of the blockchain in operating systems (OSS) and in the corporate management (BSS) of the telecom sector will lead to a growth in its application of an average rate of 84.4% from 2018 to 2023, as indicated by a study by Research and Markets.

A BBS management platform can radically redefine the business models of service providers (CSPs) because they could immediately offer their services on each network, without issues relating to intermediation or the creation of complex agreements.

The blockchain would allow the creation of a single global market for telecommunications services where CSPs could instantly publish product features and costs allowing consumers to purchase services regardless of the network they use.

The market would then explode, bringing together service offerings from different networks, without the need for individual CSPs to agree with network operators on complex, costly and cumbersome contracts that would limit the variety of offerings and make them much more expensive.

The blockchain would allow the unambiguous identification of the service provider and thus its correct remuneration. Being part of a global community would allow individual CSPs to develop mutual cooperation agreements that would go far beyond mere communication services, from common marketing policies to language services, often breaking deep barriers in the provision of these services.

Currently, many international mobile services require either to change SIM cards, purchasing the one of the country offering the service, or to use international SIM cards, which can support services in more than one country, but which often do not offer adequate services or are very expensive.

On the contrary, the widespread application of the DLT would allow, on the one hand, the development of e-SIM with advanced international services not linked to the single network and, on the other hand, the connection of a multiplicity of IoT services with the offer of personalised services linked to the use of single technological objects.

The impact of this type of innovation will be higher in those situations where the telecommunications market is not very efficient, with only one or two operators, as is the case, for example, in the Middle East. In these areas of the world, the possibility of accessing global services will lead to a real revolution in telecommunications, with a very high expected increase in turnover.

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Re: BH Telecom

Post by panzer »

Prihod 2018. 480,4 mil KM; dobit (neto dobit poslije poreza) 56,2 mil KM
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Re: BH Telecom

Post by Investitor »

panzer wrote:Prihod 2018. 480,4 mil KM; dobit (neto dobit poslije poreza) 56,2 mil KM
Gdje su objavljeni ovi rezultati
Sitna buranija
Posts: 2479
Joined: 12 May 2016, 10:51

Re: BH Telecom

Post by Sitna buranija »

Investitor wrote:
panzer wrote:Prihod 2018. 480,4 mil KM; dobit (neto dobit poslije poreza) 56,2 mil KM
Gdje su objavljeni ovi rezultati
Na telekomovoj stranici. Negdje su dobro naštimali... Ali neka su, jer bi ovako dividenda mogla biti bar 0,85 KM...
Posts: 2076
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Re: BH Telecom

Post by Sabur2 »

Pitanje je koliko ce biti podijeljeno, obzirom da na potrebna ulaganja u 4G kapacitete.
Sitna buranija
Posts: 2479
Joined: 12 May 2016, 10:51

Re: BH Telecom

Post by Sitna buranija »

Sabur2 wrote:Pitanje je koliko ce biti podijeljeno, obzirom da na potrebna ulaganja u 4G kapacitete.
Ma imaju 220 mio KM na računu keša, i to na 31.12. Mogli bi teoretski podijeliti 150 mio i da ostanu likvidni za tekuće poslovanje.
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